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This is the SST v0.x Constructs doc. SST v1 is now released. If you are using v1, see the v1 Constructs doc. If you are looking to upgrade to v1, check out the migration steps.

The App construct extends cdk.App and is used internally by SST to:

  • Automatically prefix stack names with the stage and app name
  • Deploy the entire app using the same AWS profile and region

It is made available as the app in the stacks/index.js of your SST app.

export default function main(app) {
new MySampleStack(app, "sample");

Since it is initialized internally, the props that are passed to App cannot be changed.


Accessing app properties

The properties of the app can be accessed in the stacks/index.js as:

export default function main(app) {;

Specifying default function props

You can set some function props and have them apply to all the functions in your app. This must be called before any stack with functions have been added to the application; so that all functions will be created with these defaults.

export default function main(app) {
timeout: 20,
memorySize: 512,
runtime: "go1.x",
environment: { TABLE_NAME: "NOTES_TABLE" },

// Start adding stacks

Or if you need to access the Stack scope, you can pass in a callback.

import { StringParameter } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm";

export default function main(app) {
app.setDefaultFunctionProps((stack) => ({
timeout: 20,
memorySize: 512,
runtime: "go1.x",
environment: {
API_KEY: StringParameter.valueFromLookup(stack, "my_api_key"),

// Start adding stacks

Updating default function props

You can also use addDefaultFunctionPermissions, addDefaultFunctionEnv, and addDefaultFunctionLayers to progressively add more permissions, environment variables, and layers to the defaults. These can be called multiple times and from anywhere.

However, they only affect the functions that are created after the call.

export default function main(app) {
new StackA(app, "stack-a");




new StackB(app, "stack-b");

// Add more stacks

So in the above example, the addDefaultFunctionPermissions and addDefaultFunctionEnv calls will only impact the functions in StackB.

You can also use the Stack's setDefaultFunctionProps to update these for a specific stack.

Setting a default removal policy

You can set a removal policy to apply to all the resources in the app. This is useful for ephemeral environments that need to clean up all their resources on removal.

import { RemovalPolicy } from "aws-cdk-lib";

export default function main(app) {
// Remove all resources when the dev stage is removed
if (app.stage === "dev") {

// Add stacks

Note that, the setDefaultRemovalPolicy method isn't meant to be used for production environments.

Upgrading to v0.42.0

Prior to v0.42.0, there was a single setDefaultFunctionProps function that could be called from anywhere and overwrote some parameters and merged others. This created some confusion as it was not obvious which parameters were being merged.

In v0.42.0, setDefaultFunctionProps was updated so it can only be called at the beginning of your app, before any stack with functions have been added. It'll throw an error if it's called after adding them.

Additionally, the two following functions were added; addDefaultFunctionPermissions and addDefaultFunctionEnv. These can be called from anywhere and be used to progressively add more permissions or environment variables to your defaults.

If you were previously calling setDefaultFunctionProps multiple times like so:

environment: { FOO: "bar" },

class MyStack extends sst.Stack {
constructor(scope) {
super(scope, "MyStack");

environment: { TABLE_NAME: "mytable" },

new MyStack(app);

Change it to:

environment: { FOO: "bar" },

class MyStack extends sst.Stack {
constructor(scope) {
super(scope, "MyStack");

app.addDefaultFunctionEnv({ TABLE_NAME: "mytable" });

new MyStack(app);

You can also use the Stack's setDefaultFunctionProps to update these for a specific stack.


The following properties are made available in addition to the properties of cdk.App.


Type : string

The name of the app. This comes from the name in your sst.json.


Type : string

The stage the app is being deployed to. If this is not specified as the --stage option, it'll default to the stage configured during the initial run of the SST CLI.


Type : string

The region the app is being deployed to. If this is not specified as the --region option in the SST CLI, it'll default to the region in your sst.json.


Type : string

The AWS account the app is being deployed to. This comes from the IAM credentials being used to run the SST CLI.



setDefaultFunctionProps(props: FunctionProps | ((stack: cdk.Stack) => FunctionProps))


  • props FunctionProps | ((stack: cdk.Stack) => FunctionProps)

The default function props to be applied to all the Lambda functions in the app. These default values will be overridden if a Function sets its own props.

Also, this needs to be called before a stack with any functions have been added to the app.


The setDefaultFunctionProps function must be called before a stack with any functions have been added.

Takes FunctionProps. Or a callback function takes cdk.Stack and returns FunctionProps.

Note that, you can also set function properties using the Stack's setDefaultFunctionProps and at the Function level. Those properties will override the defaultFunctionProps except for environment, layers, and permissions properties. These will be merged instead.


addDefaultFunctionEnv(env: { [key: string]: string })


  • env { [key: string]: string }

Adds additional default environment variables to be applied to all Lambda functions in the app.


Only functions created after a addDefaultFunctionEnv call will contain the new values.


addDefaultFunctionEnv(permissions: Permissions)


  • permissions Permissions

Adds additional default Permissions to be applied to all Lambda functions in the app.


Only functions created after a addDefaultFunctionPermissions call will contain the new values.


addDefaultFunctionLayers(layers: lambda.ILayerVersion[])


Adds additional default layers to be applied to all Lambda functions in the stack.


Only functions created after a addDefaultFunctionLayers call will contain the new values.


setDefaultRemovalPolicy(policy: cdk.RemovalPolicy)


The default removal policy that'll be applied to all the resources in the app. This can be useful to set ephemeral (dev or feature branch) environments to remove all the resources on deletion.


Make sure to not set the default removal policy to DESTROY for production environments.


logicalPrefixedName(logicalName: string): string


  • logicalName string


  • string

Use this method to prefix resource names in your stacks to make sure they don't thrash when deployed to different stages in the same AWS account. This method will prefix a given resource name with the stage and app name. Using the format ${stage}-${name}-${logicalName}.